Every night, you apply your skincare products to keep your skin looking its best. But over time, you notice digestive issues that were never a problem before. As we age, it’s natural to invest more...
Discover the power of gut wellness.
5 Hacks for Healthier Pooping
Have you ever had a bathroom visit so satisfying it made your day? Unfortunately, not every trip is that rewarding. We’ve all experienced straining, pain, and discomfort, feeling the urge to go but...
How Menopause Affects Gut Health (And What to Do)
Menopause, marked by a significant drop in estrogen levels, ends monthly periods and brings common symptoms like hot flashes, bladder control issues, mood changes, and painful intercourse. However,...
Things You Can Change to Reduce Colorectal Cancer Risk
When it comes to diseases such as cancer, it’s all too common to feel as though you have no power over whether or not they develop, especially if a certain cancer runs in your family. However, while...
Signs and Symptoms of Colorectal Cancer
Are you aware of the signs and symptoms of colorectal cancer?. They’re similar to most other conditions affecting the digestive system, which can make identifying the source challenging. To make it...
Does Blood in Your Stool Always Indicate Hemorrhoids?
Have you ever been surprised to find your stool or toilet bowl water tinged with red after passing a bowel movement? Or perhaps your toilet paper is streaked with blood after wiping? While blood in...